Bad Weather is a writing, directing and editing duo consisting of Sam Milman and Peter Vass. At first glance, people might think they are the same person, but Sam is actually one inch taller at 5'7" 1/2. They are from the Chicago suburbs and met in a high school TV class where they made Backstreet Boys music videos and laughed at each other’s jokes way too hard.

After moving to Los Angeles they started creating comedy videos and did the only logical thing: throw them all on the internet. Upon seeing one of their sketches, Tinder reached out to them and thus began their foray into creating commercials and branded content for various clients including Burger King, Blue Triton, Netflix, TikTok, and T-Mobile amongst others.

Though their Backstreet Boy days are behind them (for now), Peter and Sam are excited to continue creating memorable content for all audiences.